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8. Combinational Circuit Simplifier: ONSET

8.1 Starting ONSET
8.2 Examples of Using ONSET
8.3 Additional Information on Using ONSET
8.4 List of ONSET Commands

ONSET (Optimizer for logic Networks Supported by Extension of Transduction method) is a powerful program for simplifying combinational logic circuits. It has the following functions.

Simplification used in ONSET is based on the Transduction method developed at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

8.1 Starting ONSET

onset [-f file_name] [-t value] [argument ...]

file_name : The name of a file containing an ONSET command script

value : Execution time limit to be set (unit: second)

argument : Any character string (word or "statement including spaces")

The execution time limit here denotes the used CPU time in the workstation version while it denotes the actual elapsed time (including waiting time for command entry) in the MS-DOS version.

Character strings specified in argument are used in the order of $1, $2, $3, ... by the ONSET command script.

8.2 Examples of Using ONSET

ONSET operation depends on how the commands listed in Section 8.4 are provided. In PARTHENON, ONSET is usually called from OPT_MAP. In such a case, ONSET proceeds in the following order:

Practical example of using a script file

If the script file of a:\par\com\onset.dir\b2n_area.scr contains the following:

	verbose $2
	in_blif $1.bli
	out_nld $1.nld

and if ONSET is started by:

A>onset -f a:\par\com\onset.dir\b2n_area.scr ALU4 on

then, the following command script is executed:

	verbose on  ........ Specifies information display mode
	in_blif ALU4.bli ... Inputs multi-level logic circuit ALU4.bli in the BLI format
	area.scr ........... Calls the script file for circuit simplification
	out_nld ALU4.nld ... Outputs netlist ALU4.nld in the NLD format

The script file area.scr is called in the command script. That is, the command scripts can be nested.

The script file name specified in the '-f' option must be specified by the correct full path name, such that it can be referenced from the current directory. On the other hand, if a script file is called in the interactive mode or from another script, the normal path name (as mentioned above) and a path name relative to %PARTHENON%\com\onset.dir are both searched for the file to be executed (with higher priority given to the former). If area.scr does not exist in the current directory in the above example, a:\par\com\onset.dir\area.scr is executed.

Practical example of using ONSET in the interactive mode

An example of executing commands in the interactive mode is given below. This example assumes that file ALU4.bli in the BLIF format has already been created in the current directory by the blif command of OPT_MAP.

ONSET> in_blif ALU4.bli .... (1) Inputs multi-level logic circuit ALU4.bli in the BLIF format
ONSET> print_cost .......... (2) Displays various circuit cost information details
ONSET> prefact ............. (3) Performs factorization and local simplification
ONSET> sgs ................. (4) Performs simplification by replacing gates
ONSET> condis .............. (5) Performs simplification by adding or deleting connections 
ONSET> sgs ................. (6) Performs simplification by replacing gates
ONSET> gm .................. (7) Performs simplification by merging gates
ONSET> condisa ............. (8) Performs simplification by adding or deleting connections
ONSET> cpb 4 ............... (9) Re-synthesizes critical paths
ONSET> map ................ (10) Maps to a circuit with composite gates
ONSET> sgsm ............... (11) Performs simplification of the circuit with composite gates
ONSET> constant ........... (12) Treats constant output terminals
ONSET> print_cost ......... (13) Displays various circuit cost information details
ONSET> out_nld  ALU4.nld .. (14) Outputs netlist ALU4.nld in the NLD format
ONSET> !dir ............... (15) Executes DOS command dir
ONSET> bye ................ (16) Terminates ONSET

The above yields a netlist in the NLD format of a multistage logic circuit after a series of simplification steps.

Figure 8.1 illustrates the various commands provided by ONSET and how they fit into the various steps of ONSET processing. The above example follows the flow in bold lines in the figure. However, the order of execution of various commands for simplification in items (3) to (8) and the number of repetitions can be arbitrary. A key point in simplification is the selection of an appropriate order for the commands and an appropriate number of repetitions according to the characteristics of the given logic circuit.

<Fig. 8.1> ONSET process flow

PLA : Sum-of-product logic expression format of PLA minimizer ESPRESSO
BLIF : Multi-level logic circuit expression format of UC Berkeley
NLIF : An extension of the netlist format of logic synthesis program SYLON of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

8.3 Additional Information on Using ONSET

Details of logic circuit simplification are not provided here. For details, refer to documents on the transduction method.

Considerable time may be required in executing logic circuit simplification commands, logic function and netlist input commands, even for a relatively small circuit, depending on the nature of the given logic circuit.

The script examples 'area.scr' and 'delay.scr' in %PARTHENON%\com\onset.dir are expected to perform simplification with priority on area and delay time respectively, based on experience in designing numerous circuits. Changing the order or the number of repetitions of simplification commands in these scripts may yield better results depending on the given circuit.

If you want to execute various simplification commands after the execution of the 'map' command, you should first execute the 'unmap' command to convert the circuit back into one consisting of simple gates only. Repeating this may further simplify some circuits.

The 'resynthesis' command abandons all the previous circuit structure and re-synthesizes a circuit anew from the logic functions to be satisfied by the output terminals. This may greatly simplify some circuits. However, considerable execution time may be required depending on the characteristics of the circuit (logic functions).

Correct operation of ONSET cannot be assured if looped combinational logical circuits are included.

8.4 List of ONSET Commands

Table 8.1 provides a list of ONSET commands. The details on each command can be displayed with the on-line help function, which can be initiated by the 'help' command (MS-DOS's is called from ONSET).

<Table 8.1> List of ONSET Commands

Logic function or netlist input commands
in_pla file_name Input logic functions in PLA format and synthesizes initial multi-level logic circuit
in_nlif file_name Inputs netlist in NLIF format
in_bilif file_name Inputs netlist in BLIF format
Logic function or netlist output commands
out_pla [file_name] Outputs logic function in PLA format (to standard output if file name is omitted)
out_nlif [file_name] Outputs netlist in NFIF format (to standard output if file name is omitted)
out_blif [file_name] Outputs netlist in BLIF format from circuit with composite gates (to standard output if file name is omitted)
out_blifs [file_name] Outputs netlist in BLIF format from circuit with decomposed gates (to standard output if file name is omitted)
out_nld [file_name] Outputs netlist in NLD format (to standard output if file name is omitted)
Logic circuit simplification commands
prefact Performs factorization and local simplification
sgs Performs simplification by replacing gates
condis Performs simplification by adding or deleting connections (except for AND and OR gates)
condisa Performs simplification by adding or deleting connections (applicable to all gates)
gm Performs simplification by merging connections
cpb[n] Re-synthesizes critical paths (n : Index representing the scope of re-synthesis. It ranges from 1 to 4 and the default is 1.The larger the index, the larger the scope of re-synthesis)
map Maps to a logic circuit with composite gates.
sgsm Performs simplification by replacing gates of a circuit including composite gates
pruning Removes redundant connections and gates using MSPF (Maximum Set of Permissible Function)
constant Synthesizes constant output terminals with redundant gates
unmap Converts the circuit after map execution to a circuit consisting of only basic gates by disassembling composite gates
resynthesis Re-synthesize the whole circuit from expressions of output functions
Display commands
print_names Displays module name, input terminal names, output terminal names, and ID numbers of corresponding output gates
print_cost Displays various circuit cost information details (calculated using MCNC lib2 constant)
print_level Displays gate ID numbers for each logic stage
print_gate [n] Displays type and connection information of the gate of specified ID number (all gates if not specified)
print_givenf [name] Displays permissible functions, in sum-of-product logic expression, to be achieved for specified output terminals (all output terminal if not specified)
print_givenf_cube [name] Displays permissible functions, in cube format, to be achieved for specified output terminals (all output terminals if not specified)
print_outf [n] Displays logic function, in sum-of-product logical expression, achieved by output gate of specified ID number (all output gates if not specified)
print_outf_cube [n] Displays logic function, in cube format, achieved by output gate of specified ID number (all output gates if not specified)
print_func [n] Displays logic function, in sum-of-product logical expression, achieved by gate of specified ID number (all gates if not specified)
print_func_cube [n] Displays logic function, in cube format, achieved by gate of specified ID number (all gates if not specified)
print_cspf [n] Displays CSPF (Compatible Set of Permissible Functions), in sum- of-product logic expression, calculated for specified ID number gate (all gates if not specified) and for connection net which is input to that gate
print_cspf_cube [n] Displays CSPF (Compatible Set of Permissible Functions), in cube format, calculated for specified ID number gate (all gates if not specified) and for connection net which is input to that gate
print_args Displays arguments (parameters at start)
Other commands
name new_name Changes circuit module name to new_name
verbose [{on|off}] If 'on' is set, displays the same information as one displayed by print_cost command each time circuit is changed. If 'off ' no such information is displayed.
help[{command_type | command_name}] Displays description of commands( text is found in doc.dir\onset.dir )
bye Terminates ONSET
echo string Displays string as it is
file_name Executes specified file as script file (directory or com\opt_map.dir is searched for file_name and file is executed)
!string Transfers string to external shell ( in the case of MS-DOS) and executes it (execution of external command)
(Notes) Script file format
command Writes any one command in a line
command;comment Ignores statement after ' ; '
;comment Comment line
file_name Calls and executes other script files (nesting allowed)
!string Executes external commands

     ' $ ' and ' $0 ' are replaced with set module names.

     ' $1 ',' $2 ',........ are replaced with respective parameters specified at start. 

     '\' is used as an escape character.