3.13 Referencing Component Elements

The general format for referencing a component element is,

ComponentElementName.IndicatorName(ActualArgument, ...).DataName

This is composed of "activating a component element" and "referencing the result." It means that "a component element is activated with a certain indication and the result is obtained".

Since the actual argument is an expression, nesting is possible. The component element is a sub-module or stage, the indicator is a control terminal or a task, and the data is a data terminal or a register. Since the result of stage activation cannot be obtained within the machine cycle of the activation, a meaningful reference would be, for example,

Sub-moduleName.ControlInputTerminalName(ActualArgument, ...).DataOutputTerminalName

The same concept applies to other component elements (register, data terminal, etc.). However, to simplify description, the value can be referenced by


It is also possible to reference the result of a component element activation by


In addition, a value can be set to a component element terminal without using an argument by

ComponentElement.DataTerminalName = Expression;

In a constant, the longest possible bit string of each radix in the constant is concatenated from left to right. For example, "0x3bo3b10" is first separated into "x3b", "o3", and "b10", and put together as "0011101101110".

The number of bits used for a constant is from 1 to 256.

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